Forms of memberships

The ISSP is a membership-based professional society.

Psychologists, medical doctors, scientists and students can become members of the ISSP. Other people can also support the concerns of the ISSP in the form of a supporting membership.

There are the following forms of memberships:

Membership 1

Ordinary full members entitled to vote are doctors or psychologists who have completed psychotherapy training.

125 €  (/year)

Membership 2

Associate members are doctors or psychologists without psychotherapy training and recognized scientists.

125 €  (/year)

Membership 3

Supporting members can become practically anyone who wants to support the purposes of the society. You will receive the ISSP newsletter and information about ISSP events on a regular basis.

250 €  / companies 500 €  (/year)


To apply for a membership in the ISSP, your personal data and information about your career (curriculum vitae) as well as proof of your qualifications are required. Once the board has reviewed and accepted your application, we will send you a payment link to pay the membership fee. Only when the payment is completed, will the membership be official.

Since the majority of the decisions to be made within the framework of the ISSP are of a professional nature, associate and supporting members have no voting rights in accordance with the articles of the ISSP constitution.

Apply for a membership in the ISSP

Form of membership
Contact details
Attachments: CV + proof of qualifications
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